Quotes From "Wings" By Aprilynne Pike

Laurel, David? Would you like to share the joke with...
Laurel, David? Would you like to share the joke with the rest of the class?" he asked, one hand on his skinny hip. Aprilynne Pike
I'll think of you, just like I promised.
I'll think of you, just like I promised."" And I'll think of you, just like I have every day, " Tamani said. Aprilynne Pike
-What's so funny?""- Sorry, " David said, reddening again. "You just taste so sweet.""- What do you mean, sweet?" He licked his bottom lip one more time."- You taste like honey.""- Honey?""- Yeah, I thought I was going nuts the day..well, you know, that one day. But it was the same today. Your mouth is really sweet." He paused for a second, then grinned."- Hot like honey-like nectar. That makes more sense.""- Great. Now I'm going to have to explain that to everyone I kiss for the rest of my life unless it's you or another faerie." She'd almost said Tamani's name. Her fingers flew to the ring around her neck. David shrugged."- Then don't kiss anyone except me.""- David..""- I'm just offering up the obvious solution, " he said, hands up in protest. Aprilynne Pike
Then he was there, turned half toward her with a guarded expression etched across his face. She didn't stop or even slow her step. When she reached him, she grabbed the front of his shirt in both fists, pulling him to her, pushing her mouth up into his. Heat swirled through her as she pulled his face even closer, tighter. His arms wound around her and their bodies melded with a rightness she didn't bother to question. Her lips filled with the sweetness of his mouth and Tamani held her against him as if he could somehow pull her inside him, make her part of him. And for a moment, she did feel like a part of him. As if their kiss bridged the gap between the two worlds, even if only for that one brief, sparkling moment. A sigh that held the weight of years shuddered out of Tamani as their faces drew apart. "Thank you, " Tamani whispered, almost too quiet to be heard. . Aprilynne Pike
Laurel look up at him in question, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. She always wished she had more time to draw secrets from him. "I'll wear it always, " she said." And think of me?" His eyes held her captive, and she knew there was only one answer." Yes."" Good." She started to turn, but before she could step away, Tamani grabbed her hand. Without breaking eye contact, he raised her hand to his face and brushed his lips over her knuckles. For just a second, his eyes were unguarded. A spark went through Laurel at what she saw there: raw, unbridled desire. Before she could look any closer, he smiled, and the flash was gone. . Aprilynne Pike
If your clothes are enough to drive would-be friends away, they're not the kind of friends you want." Typical mother advice. Sweet, honest, and completely useless. Aprilynne Pike
I told her we were going to get married, and all she could talk about was frogs. She said there's these hills where it's hot and rains all the time, and in the rainforests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called . bromeliads, I think, and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and don't even know about the ground, and once you know the world is full of things like that, your life is never the same. . Terry Pratchett